Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pastor Berg's Farewell Service-UPDATE

FAREWELL SERVICE FOR PASTOR BERG and an opportunity to sing in a joint choir — Divinity has extended an invitation to St. John for the farewell service for Pastor Berg. The service will be Sunday, September 15 at 9 a.m. 
Also, the music director at Divinity has extended an invitation to any St. John 
members who would like to be part of a joint choir that will sing for the farewell 
service. There will be two rehearsals for the joint choir: Friday, September 6 at 
6:30 p.m. and Friday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m. The rehearsals will be at 
Divinity.  If you are interested, contact William Johnston at 651-689-3339 or 
**Any members of St. John either attending the service or singing in the choir that intend on staying for the dinner, please let William Johnston know, either by call, text or email, by 
September 7th.  They need to keep their caterer updated. 


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