Did you know that St. John Church belongs to an organization that is specially designed to inform women of our church about our home and world mission work and gives them an opportunity to support it in various ways? The organization is LWMS, Lutheran Women's Missionary Society. It is a national group. Our local chapter is made up of about 40 participating WELS congregations in this area and is called the St. Croix Circuit.
Every confirmed lady of St. John is automatically a member of LWMS by virtue of her membership at St. John. The LWMS holds two rallies a year in this St Croix River area, one in April and the other in October. It also sponsors a huge national rally every June, somewhere around the U.S. You have probably noticed envelopes in your mailbox from time to time with LWMS stamped on it. Twice a year we give our ladies an opportunity to fund the LWMS mission work in this area and internationally. (The most recent Home Missions gift went to Hmong Evangelist Training, and the World Missions donations went to East Asia Project.) St. Croix LWMS circuit thanks you for those past gifts and urges all of us to consider contributing at any time. If you are interested in knowing more about LWMS, or interested in attending the spring rally (on April 22) please speak to our congregation's representatives, Jean Rindal or Jean Koepsell. You can also go to
** There were LWMS offering envelopes included in last Sunday’s service folder, please return them with your gifts by Sunday, March 26th. Thank you.
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