Friday, September 25, 2015

Anticipating Worship (September 27)

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Focus:  True greatness comes from humble and faithful service.

Scripture Readings:
Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 31
James 3:13-18
Mark 9:30-37

Sermon Text:  Mark 9:30-37

Define Greatness Carefully
1.  For the Savior of all
2.  For the servants of all

Prayer of the Day:  Lord God, you call us to work in your kingdom and leave no one standing idle.  Help us to order our lives by your wisdom and to serve you in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Anticipating Worship (September 20)

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Focus:  Christians confess their faith in a suffering Savior with their willing obedience in life.

Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 50:4-10
Psalm 116
James 2:1-5,8-10,14-18
Mark 8:27-35

Sermon Text:  Isaiah 50:4-10

Listen to the Servant of the Lord Speak
1.  With extra clarity
2.  With extreme confidence

Prayer of the Day:  Lord, we pray that your mercy and grace may always go before us and follow after us that, loving you with undivided hearts, we may be ready for every good and useful work; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dorothy Lecher

The Lord called Dorothy Lecher to her eternal home this past Wednesday morning.  We thank him for bringing her to faith and keeping her in that faith throughout her life.  Her Christian funeral service will be this Saturday, September 19th, at 11:00 AM at church.  Visitation will be one hour prior and with a lunch to follow.  Please keep the family in your prayers.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Thank You

This is a few days late, but a huge thank you to all who volunteered to help this past Tuesday when St. John hosted the St. Croix Pastoral Conference.  Your work from setting up breakfast to serving lunch and everything before and after and in between is greatly appreciated.  Well done.

Please join us for Fun Fest this Sunday!

Anticipating Worship (September 13)

The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Focus:  God wants us to be faithful to his Word.

Scripture Readings:
Deuteronomy 4:1,2,6-8
Psalm 119:97-104
Ephesians 6:10-20
Mark 7:1-8,14,15,21-23

Sermon Text:  Psalm 119:97-104

We Love God's Word
1.  Because of what it is
2.  Because of what it gives

Prayer of the Day:  O Lord Jesus Christ, preserve us with your never-failing mercy.  Help us avoid whatever is wicked and harmful, and guide us in the way that leads to our salvation; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Anticipating Worship (September 6)

The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Focus:  We praise our God for changing our lives.

Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 35:4-7a
Psalm 146
James 1:17-27
Mark 7:31-37

Sermon Text:  Isaiah 35:4-7a

God Announces Some Welcome Changes
1.  To give us courage
2.  To give us comfort

Prayer of the Day:  Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.